Since the release of Seven Ways to Disappear: The Book within Book, I’ve had the opportunity to talk about the book on various podcasts, a morning television show, and have it mentioned in magazines and blogs. One of the interesting things I’ve realized is that I’ll be interviewed by some people who haven’t read the book, which makes for a different type of interview. In these types of interviews there is a lot more explaining and giving of background and context. Other times, when people have read the book, the interview and conversation can be more meaningful and free flowing. And it’s great to hear peoples’ unique reactions to the book. Nonetheless, each interview has been a chance for me to get the book out into the world and talk about it.
One of the first interviews I did was on a local morning show in Las Vegas on Fox 5’s MORE. It was a major accomplishment to be on a major local morning news show to talk about my book. Before my segment, singer/songwriter CeeLo Green had a segment. Although I didn’t get a chance to meet him, I did take a few pictures of him being interviewed with my book displayed on the table between him and the reporter. It’s a fun shot.

On YouTube you can find an interview of me on the Shannon Confidential show. Also, I was fortunate enough to have the book written about by Millennials in Motions who conducted a great interview by asking some really interesting questions about the book.
Through a writer friend I got connected to award winning author and blogger, Deliah “Dee” Lawrence. Her blog is titled Vocal Expressions and she featured an interview of me about the Seven Ways to Disappear: The Book within the Book under the “It’s a Book Thing” section. It’s a great read to learn even more about the book, its genesis, meaning, and purpose. Lastly, during an interview about me and my work in the community by Vegas Magazine, I shared that I had written a short work of fiction, so I got a chance to briefly say a few things about Seven Ways to Disappear: The Book within the Book. A fun interview I did with Michelle Schmer of Coffee, Fitness, and Unicorn was more about me than the book, however, I had a great time sharing a bit more about me, what I like, and talk about how much I like coffee! She even did a nice post on Instagram that got a lot of views, which I'm happy about.
All this coverage has been amazing to have and has contributed to more book sales than I could’ve ever imagined. Just the other day I was surprised to see that there had even been purchases, on-line, through Amazon in the United Kingdom. So, I guess that means the book has gone international! When I self-published the book and thought about doing what needed to be done to give the book life by hosting a book launch event, hiring someone to help with public relations, and doing my own promotion on social media, I can’t say that I thought too much about the real possibility of being interviewed about the book.

There is a lot more promotion of the book that will be done. I’m looking forward to a couple of things that are in the works. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the interviews I’ve linked to in this post, and I hope you gain a better appreciation for this piece of short fiction.
I learned some new things about the concept and creation of the 7 Ways book from the interviews, thanks